The Constitution
1. The name of the Club is The Southern Porsche Car Club or The Southern Porsche Club for short
<Replace with your own Club Name>. It is a non profit making members club.
2. The aim of the Club is to provide fun and social events particularly where members’ sports cars can be used and any event any member(s) may care to organise. Events may consist of two or more members and may also be arranged with other clubs and informal groups.
3. The Club shall start with one or more honorary members called The First Honorary Members.
4. Any honorary member may introduce new members and confer honorary membership to the Club.
5. No member shall be admitted without invitation from an existing member who shall vouch for the admitted new honorary member.
6. (a) All honorary members are automatically awarded, in honorary fashion, the title of Club Organiser, and may do as much or as little as they please.
(b) Notwithstanding clause 6 (a), any member deemed to be working too hard may be suspended from duty by the others.
7. At any point there shall be a token secretary who shall keep an up to date list of members.
8. The Club shall network with other Clubs to form a national network of fun social Porsche clubs.
9. Once membership numbers throughout the Network exceed that of Porsche's official club in Britain the Club shall direct its attentions overseas.
Note on Section 9.
Membership across the Network has now broken through the numbers in the Official Porsche Club.